From the ancient times, yoga is known as the most effective way to earn strong physical and physiological health. With the changing world, yoga has some disadvantages that can disappoint people. Let us focus on it one by one.
- If you only have 20 minutes a day to use up on your body to reach your goal of burning lots of calories, yoga will definitely disappoint you. Basically, yoga is not primarily a fat–burning activity. It only has effect on your stamina along with heart and body working.
- Another disadvantage is that we cannot confidently have a qualified teacher. Presently, there is no national certification course for yoga teacher. There is certification available from various groups, out of which only some of the organizations award teaching certificates to the people in only one week of learning.
- The important disadvantage is that there is no voluntary national union of yoga organization and/or personal yoga teachers to establish voluntary national standards for yoga teaching.
- If someone is a beginner in Yoga, it is not that easy to learn. Even though there is no necessity of being flexible or in shape to do yoga, this learning experience is physically, emotionally and mentally challenging.
- The Yogasana process is far more complex than it looks. It takes a lot of time to reach the highest level of perfection. It is necessary to do stretches beyond our body and mind limits.
- When you don’t start Yogasana as a basic point and ignore your physical and emotional ability to do it, this can end up into serious damage.
- There are many therapists and persons who disregard this art of yoga and have labeled it as injurious for the body.
- Some of the disadvantages of the exercise include physical symptoms such as congestion of energy resulting in weakening of the body, insomnia, fever or overheating, pain and discomfort, skin rashes in addition to depression, etc.
- Difficult postures of yoga, especially involving the spinal cord have resulted in fractures as well as stiffening and severe back ache.
- Yoga can also affect the emotions and judgment as well as behavioral patterns of some people. Sometimes, it affects as a manifestation on the mood and mind which can result in irritability and anger, criticalness, relationship problems, intolerance, pride on top of exaggeration of negative qualities, etc.
- People who have spouses can also experience a severe change in their sexual desire. This may result in an increased sex force as well as an out of control sex life.
So we can say that, although yoga has several advantages, it has also proved to be harmful if not worked out properly and according to the need of an individual.
if properly taught yoga is a boon or else a ban,the western yoga is just the basic elements introduced by swami vivekananda,we have much more complex exercises in india,the best example is all depends on the teacher.many gym work outs also have many disadvantages,the western medicine also has numerous disadvantages and many people die sue to causes like side effects,yoga has no disadvantages it all depends on the teacher.
Very informative tips thanks for sharing.
Disadvantages of Meditation
Hey, You are given some opposite works of yoga, it repairs body and mind by curing through proper ailments but you are showing it as dangerous. It can be done with adequate phases. It never hurts, The symptoms of cons may look if the person is psychologically affected by the name yoga.
thank you for this special article and content
i have something new about yoga here :
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