Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Why do Women Live longer Than Men?


One important reason is the big delay — and advantage — women have over men in terms of cardiovascular disease, like heart attack and stroke. Women develop these problems usually in their 70s and 80s, about 10 years later than men, who develop them in their 50s and 60s. For a long time, doctors thought the difference was due to estrogen. But studies have shown that this may not be the case, and now we know that giving estrogen to women post-menopause can actually be bad for them.
One reason for that delay in onset of cardiovascular disease could be that women are relatively iron-deficient compared to men — especially younger women, those in their late teens and early 20s — because of menstruation. Iron plays a very important part in the reactions in our cells that produce damaging free radicals, which glom onto cell membranes and DNA, and may translate into aging the cell. In fact, in our diets, red meat is the main source of iron, and lack of iron is probably one major reason that being vegetarian is healthy for you. There was a very good study looking at the intake of red meat and heart disease in Leiden in the Netherlands: in regions where people didn't eat red meat, those populations had half the rate of heart attack and stroke compared to the populations that did eat red meat.
Another more complicated possibility [for women's longevity] is that women have two X chromosomes, while men have one. (Men have an X and a Y.) When cells go through aging and damage, they have a choice in terms of genes — either on one X chromosome or the other. Consider it this way: you have a population of cells, all aging together. In some cells, the genes on one X chromosome are active; in other cells, by chance, the same set of genes, with different variations, are active on the other X chromosome. Don't forget, we all have the same genes — the reason we differ is because we express different variations of those genes, like different colors of a car. Now, if one set of variations provides a survival advantage for the cells versus another, then the cells with the advantage will persist while the other ones will die off, leaving behind more cells with the genes on the more advantageous X chromosome. So, in women, cells can perhaps be protected by a slightly better variation of a gene on the second X chromosome. Men don't have this luxury and don't get this choice.
It's very unclear [how big an effect that could have]. I've seen men who have done horrendous damage to themselves over time with smoking and drinking and who still get to 100 and older — though that's very, very rare. They might have the right combination of some really special genetic variations that we call "longevity enabling genes" — which we're on the mad hunt for. Meanwhile other individuals may do everything right and only make it into their 80s. That may be because they have what we call "disease genes," some genetic variations that are relatively bad for them. Now some of these [disease genes] may be on the X chromosome, [meaning that women who have the second X chromosome with which to compensate, would have an advantage]. But it's really still a very complicated puzzle to tease out.
[There are a few other reasons that men die earlier in life more often than women.] Men in their late teens and 20s go through something called "testosterone storm." The levels of the hormone can be quite high and changeable, and that can induce some pretty dangerous behavior among young men. They don't wear their seatbelts; they drink too much alcohol; they can be aggressive with weapons and so on and so forth. These behaviors lead to a higher death rate.
Another area where we see higher death rates among men is among the depressed — especially older men. If they attempt suicide, they are more likely to succeed than women.
Overall, about 70% of the variation around average life expectancy — [just over 80 for women and just over 75 for men in the U.S.] — is probably attributable to environmental factors — your behaviors and your exposures. Probably only 30% is due to genetics. And that's very, very good news. There's so much we can do. Most of us should be able to get into our late 80s. What's more, to get to older ages, like the centenarians, you are necessarily compressing the time you're sick to the end of your life. It's not a case where the older you get, the sicker you get. It's very much the case that the older you get, the healthier you've been.
But, in general, there are maybe three things men do worse than women. They smoke a lot more. (That gender gap is fortunately shrinking, since men are smoking less and less.) They eat more food that leads to high cholesterol. And, perhaps related to that, men tend not to deal with their stress as well as women. They may be more prone to internalizing that stress rather than letting go — though that's a fairly controversial point. Nonetheless, stress plays a very important role in cardiovascular disease.

Unique Benifits of Smoking Cigarettes

  • You will always have something to do with your hands.
  • To avoid headaches later in the day, always have a cigarette first thing in the morning.
  • If you work with explosives, you have a handy method of lighting the fuse.
  • Smoking is a good career move if you want early retirement and would like to use up your sick leave.
  • On New Years Eve you don't have to go out to the fireworks. Just dip your cigarette into a jar of ground up sparklers.
  • Amuse your friends and be the life of the party by blowing smoke rings.
  • Always discard your butts in flower pots and garden beds as it helps fertilise the plants and keeps insects away.
  • Occasional house fires will help keep firemen employed.
  • By buying cigarettes from corner stores, you help support local businesses and help retain the fabric of our society.
  • At the beach, children can use the butts to decorate their sand castles.
  • Annoy neighbours you don't like by staying home and smoking heavily.
  • You will always have a good reason for loitering - "Officer, I'm just having a cigarette".
  • Always smoke when you are pregnant. Your smoking helps the unborn baby prepare for the air pollution in the real world.
  • When your neighbour's kids are too noisy, trigger their asthma by breathing smoke on them.
  • By smoking heavily, you get out of boring work and will have plenty of short breaks during the day.
  • Develop your cool image and fun-loving personality by being a smoker. Non-smoking is for wimps and wusses.
  • You will have a good reason to paint the ceilings every three years.
  • Why celebrate world no-tobacco day once a year, when every day can be celebrated as a pro-tobacco day.
  • You will know when it's time to throw out your old lounge suite by the number of burn marks.
  • Smoking is an adult custom. Add years to how old you look by smoking heavily.
  • If you run out of smokes late at night, help the taxi industry by getting them to deliver your smokes to the door.
  • You can demand more services and benefits from the government because you have paid more in taxes.
  • Help keep the bush fire brigades trained and ready for any emergency by throwing lighted butts from your car window.
  • Keep your weight down by smoking cigarettes instead of eating them.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Unique Advantages of drinking Drinking Vodka

Benefits of Vodka
Vodka is a popular alcohol beverage that is prepared through the fermentation of corn mash, wheat mash, rye mash or potato mash. Many people believe that vodka can help to treat cardiovascular problems and even certain types of cancer. Although research is still in its preliminary stage, there is no proof based on the aforementioned benefits. However, put in mind that excessive drinking is harmful to your health.
1. Aids in digestion
Consumption of vodka may help to treat common digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, but remember excessive intake may affect liver health leading to other health complications. Besides its role in alleviating stomach disorders, vodka can also be used to reduce fever and flu.
2. Promotes cardiovascular health
Studies have shown have vodka is beneficial in improving cardiovascular health, preventing the risk of hypertension, as well as accumulation of bad cholesterol. These factors are the leading cause of heart disease, including atherosclerosis and heart attack. Therefore, consumption of vodka in moderation can help prevent plaque of the arteries and other related complications.
3. Reduces diabetes risk
Diabetes is often associated with swelling in arteries, as well as increased risk of hypertension. Drinking vodka has been proven to boost the production of good cholesterol levels. Although vodka is beneficial to diabetics, excessive consumption is harmful and can lead to liver damage, and cardiovascular disease to mention but a few.
4. Lowers high blood pressure
Intake of vodka can help prevent your risk of developing hypertension, but moderation can not in any way be overemphasized. Recent studies have shown significant improvement in patients with high blood pressure after being given small amount of vodka.
5. Anti-inflammation properties
It can also help to treat disorders that bring about inflammation such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. Additionally, research has shown that consumption of vodka in moderation can alleviate symptoms of Alzheimers disease.
Excessive consumption is detrimental to your health and is the leading cause of liver damage, cardiovascular diseases and kidney failure.

Unique Nasty disadvantages of Meditation

1. A disadvantage is that not everyone likes the sound of the recordings.While binaural beats, sound effects masked as running water or pink noise can be mono proposes and Isochronic tones must be audible effective music or ambient.Although I personally both find pretty relaxing and pleasant sounds which, is this not the case for alle.So restrict one of the people who don't like limited as that be different 'beats' sound, on the use of binaural beats, which are completely hidden, so your choice of shots.
2.The next negative point is not that brainwave entrainment, very safe to use, recommended for use by people is while in General, the suffering seizures or other neurological conditions.If you have any physical or mental health conditions, it is best to your doctor to check before it binaural beats and other brainwave entrainment methods, just to be on the safe side to be.
3. A third disadvantage is not everyone experiences you want when you use brainwave entrainment the results.This applies to any form of meditation course, but it is particularly disappointing when so many people seem to good results are always their own Aufnahmen.In often is the problem that you are the person who thinks not everywhere not just consistently ist.Denken meditate mind, that you use brainwave entrainment, if some time aside your recording every day set to use, and expect enjoy not to fantastic results for the first time the you hear how everything else is brainwave entrainment meditation more effectively with regular practice, so give early not on.
Is brainwave entrainment meditation a good thing or not? I think that overall safely the effort is worth it and I recommend using this method of meditation for most people, but be aware that it has to its potential drawbacks.

Unique Worst Disadvantages of Yoga

From the ancient times, yoga is known as the most effective way to earn strong physical and physiological health. With the changing world, yoga has some disadvantages that can disappoint people. Let us focus on it one by one. 

  1. If you only have 20 minutes a day to use up on your body to reach your goal of burning lots of calories, yoga will definitely disappoint you. Basically, yoga is not primarily a fat–burning activity. It only has effect on your stamina along with heart and body working.
  2. Another disadvantage is that we cannot confidently have a qualified teacher. Presently, there is no national certification course for yoga teacher. There is certification available from various groups, out of which only some of the organizations award teaching certificates to the people in only one week of learning.
  3. The important disadvantage is that there is no voluntary national union of yoga organization and/or personal yoga teachers to establish voluntary national standards for yoga teaching.
  4. If someone is a beginner in Yoga, it is not that easy to learn. Even though there is no necessity of being flexible or in shape to do yoga, this learning experience is physically, emotionally and mentally challenging.
  5. The Yogasana process is far more complex than it looks. It takes a lot of time to reach the highest level of perfection. It is necessary to do stretches beyond our body and mind limits.
  6. When you don’t start Yogasana as a basic point and ignore your physical and emotional ability to do it, this can end up into serious damage.
  7. There are many therapists and persons who disregard this art of yoga and have labeled it as injurious for the body.
  8. Some of the disadvantages of the exercise include physical symptoms such as congestion of energy resulting in weakening of the body, insomnia, fever or overheating, pain and discomfort, skin rashes in addition to depression, etc.
  9. Difficult postures of yoga, especially involving the spinal cord have resulted in fractures as well as stiffening and severe back ache.
  10. Yoga can also affect the emotions and judgment as well as behavioral patterns of some people. Sometimes, it affects as a manifestation on the mood and mind which can result in irritability and anger, criticalness, relationship problems, intolerance, pride on top of exaggeration of negative qualities, etc.
  11. People who have spouses can also experience a severe change in their sexual desire. This may result in an increased sex force as well as an out of control sex life.
So we can say that, although yoga has several advantages, it has also proved to be harmful if not worked out properly and according to the need of an individual.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Increase your memory in 7 days pdf download


Download e-book this was the book which help you to increase your memory and the techniques in this book was really very helpful and amazingly increase your memory.....
Download here 


Thursday, 15 September 2011

Why Do People Commit Suicide?


A suicide attempt is a clear indication that something is gravely wrong in a person’s life. No matter the race or age of the person; how rich or poor they are, it is true that most people who commit suicide have a mental or emotional disorder.
The most common underlying disorder is depression, 30% to 70% of suicide victims suffer from major depression or bipolar (manicdepressive) disorder.
Warning Signs of Someone Considering Suicide
Any one of these symptoms does not necessarily mean the person is suicidal, but several of these symptoms may signal a need for help:
• Verbal suicide threats such as, “You’d be better off without me.” or “Maybe I won’t be around.”
• Expressions of hopelessness and helplessness.
• Previous suicide attempts.
• Daring or risk-taking behavior.
• Personality changes.
• Depression.
• Giving away prized possessions.
• Lack of interest in future plans.
Remember: Eight out of ten suicidal persons give some sign of their intentions. People who talk about suicide, threaten to commit suicide, or call suicide crisis centers are 30 times more likely than average to kill themselves.
Suicide and Adolescents
Over the past 60 years, the overall rate of suicide among adolescents has tripled making it the third leading cause of death among 15-to-25-year-olds and the second leading cause of death among college students.
It’s important for parents, teachers and counselors to become familiar with the facts about teens and young adults, especially when it comes to depression and suicide. When teens’ moods disrupt their ability to function on a day-to day basis, it may indicate a serious emotional or mental disorder that needs attention - adolescent depression. Sometimes teens feel so depressed that they consider ending their lives.
Studies show that suicide attempts among young people may be based on long standing problems triggered by a specific event. Suicidal adolescents may view a temporary situation as a permanent condition. Feelings of anger and resentment combined with exaggerated guilt can lead to impulsive, self-destructive acts.
Recognizing The Warning Signs
Four out of five teens who attempt suicide have given clear warnings. Pay attention to these warning signs:
• Suicide threats, direct and indirect
• Obsession with death
• Poems, essays and drawings that refer to death
• Dramatic change in personality or appearance
• Irrational, bizarre behavior
• Overwhelming sense of guilt, shame or reflection
• Changed eating or sleeping patterns
• Severe drop in school performance
• Giving away belongings
What To Do If You Think Someone Is Suicidal
Trust your instincts that the person may be in trouble.
Talk with the person about your concerns. Communication needs to include LISTENING.
Ask direct questions without being judgmental. Determine if the person has a specific plan to carry out the suicide. The more detailed the plan, the greater the risk.
Get professional help, even if the person resists.
Do not leave the person alone.
Do not swear to secrecy.
Do not act shocked or judgmental.
Do not counsel the person yourself.
Helping Suicidal Teens
Offer help and listen. Encourage depressed teens to talk about their feelings. Listen, don’t lecture.
Trust your instincts. If it seems that the situation may be serious, seek prompt help. Break a confidence if necessary, in order to save a life.
Pay attention to talk about suicide. Ask direct questions and don’t be afraid of frank discussions. Silence is deadly!
Seek professional help. It is essential to seek expert advice from a mental health professional who has experience helping depressed teens. Also, alert key adults in the teen’s life - family, friends and teacher.
Helping a Suicidal Person
No single therapeutic approach is suitable for all suicidal persons or suicidal tendencies. The most common ways to treat underlying illnesses associated with suicide are with medication, talk therapy or a combination of the two.
Cognitive (talk therapy) and behavioral (changing behavior) therapies aim at relieving the despair of suicidal patients by showing them other solutions to their problems and new ways to think about themselves and their world. Behavioral methods, such as training in assertiveness, problem-solving, social skills, and muscle relaxation, may reduce depression, anxiety, and social ineptitude.
Cognitive and behavioral homework assignments are planned in collaboration with the patient and explained as experiments that will be educational even if they fail. The therapist emphasizes that the patient is doing most of the work, because it is especially important for a suicidal person not to see the therapist as necessary for their survival. Recent research strongly supports the use of medication to treat the underlying depression associated with suicide. Antidepressant medication acts on chemical pathways of the brain related to mood. There are many very effective antidepressants.
Antidepressant medications are not habit-forming. Although some symptoms such as insomnia, often improve within a week or two, it may take three or four weeks before you feel better; the full benefit of medication may require six to eight weeks of treatment. Sometimes changes need to be made in dosage or medication type before improvements are noticed. It is usually recommended that medications be taken for at least four to nine months after the depressive symptoms have improved. People with chronic depression may need to stay on medication to prevent or lessen further episodes.
Never discontinue medication without discussing the decision with your doctor first.
If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, contact 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784- 2433) or www.hopeline.com. If someone you know is about to take their own life, call 911.
For more information on suicide:
800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
This will connect you with a crisis center in your area.
The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
3615 Wisconsin Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20016-3007
Phone: (202) 966-7300
American Association of Suicidology
5221 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20015
Phone: (202) 237-2280
Suicide Prevention Action Network USA (SPAN USA)
1025 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 1066
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 449-3600
Information for this article was taken from the National Mental Health Association web sitewww.nmha.org

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Face reading tips and techniques

Face reading techniques can prove to be very useful in your professional and personal lives. Face reading techniques will help you learn more about an individual and help you take a right decision. The following article will introduce you to some of the face reading techniques.
Face reading techniques help you learn a lot about a person's inner characteristics and nature. It will help you notice if the person is hard working or a sinister character. Face reading techniques is not a new science or study, but has been around since Aristotle's time. There is a vast history and extensive literature available regarding face reading or physiognomy. The classical literature containing information on face reading by Homer, Hippocrates have also been found. But, the crown for carrying out extensive research and study on physiognomy goes to Aristotle. He studied the various features like color, skin, hair, limbs, gait and even voice and noted down his interpretations. The practice of physiognomy or face reading techniques have also been noted by Latin classical authors like Jubenal, Suetonius and Pliny the Elder.

The initial face reading techniques were descriptive in nature and the medieval ones related to the predictive and astrological sides. Al-Razi, an Arab writer and alchemist and Avicenna a renowned scholar have also been known to have contributed a lot to the literature related to physiognomy or face reading techniques. By the 18th and 19th century, the art of physiognomy was widely used to detect criminal tendencies. In the 20th century, the face reading techniques became popular in the interpretation of mental faculties and character traits. Franz-Joseph Gall developed a method of pure empiricism that according to him could detect the criminal minds.

Dr. Edward Vincent Jones, a US Superior Court Judge, in the 1920's went on to study the physiognomy traits. He was motivated to learn more about the face reading techniques as he found many similarities between the hundreds and thousands of people he met in his courtroom. With the earlier literature as his basis, he resolved the contradicting statements in and came up with his own sixty four physical traits and called it 'personology'. These personology traits are also seen in systems other than physiognomy. American psychologist Paul Ekman, in the 1960's, started a face reading business, where he found the face as an instrument to communicate. This facial communication according to him are governed by certain rules that help in reading facial expressions. This article will discuss some free face reading techniques that will help you get a fair idea regarding the inner true self of a person. The following free face reading techniques cover few important facial expressions that will help you learn more about the unknown traits of a known person.

Face Reading Tips

Face reading techniques have been studied through centuries to know more about an individual. The inquisitive human mind has always been fascinated to know more about the minds of his fellow men. The ancient Chinese art of face reading believed in the ideology that the human face was a reflection of the inner spirit and the people of Medieval Europe thought the face was synonymous with virtue. There are over 100 points on the face that you can analyze and find more about a person. Here we will see a few face reading tips that you may find useful when trying to learn more about a person. You can learn more on body language.

Facial Shape
You can learn a lot about a person with his or her facial shape. The following common facial shapes will help you learn a few face reading tips:

  • Round Face: They are known as water-shaped faced people. They have a plump and fleshy face. People with round faces are an emotional lot. They are known to be sensitive and caring. They are thought to have strong sexual fantasies. If you are looking forward for a long term, stable relationship, these people will prove to be the right choice.
  • Oblong Face: The long, thin face is called as the wood-shape face. These people may have a muscular or athletic physic. They are thought to be practical, methodical and tend to be a tad more overworked. They are thought to be weighed along with narcissism and may have problematic relationships.
  • Triangular Face: These face types are usually related to a thin body and intellectual suasion. They are considered to be creative and thought to have a fiery temperament according to the Chinese face readers.
  • Square: They are known as the metal shape face. These people are thought to have an intelligent, analytical and decisive mind. The face shape is associated with an aggressive and dominating nature. You can read more on face shape and personality
Face Profile
There are five types of face profiles that you should consider when trying to read a person with the help of face reading techniques. The five face profile types are:
  • Convex: The person with the convex profile types have a sloping forehead, slightly prominent brows and a large nose that is slightly curved. They also have a receding chin shape. These people come under the category of hard headed people who have a demanding nature and an impatient streak.
  • Concave: The people with concave profile type have a prominent forehead, almost flat eye brows, smaller and straight or slightly inward curved or bent nose. They have a flat mouth and well formed chin that has an outward curve. These people are thought to be good natured and patient lot. They tend to judge over things intentionally.
  • Plane: The plane profile type neither have the intentional character of the concave type or the demanding nature of the convex type. They have a consistent character and a balanced state of mind.
  • Concave-Convex: This profile has individuals with a concave upper part and lower convex facial part. These people tend to be of very weak character and are often impulsive in nature. They tend to be very unreliable people.
  • Convex-Concave: The upper face in convex and the lower face is concave. These people are said to have a dominating and ruling personality. They are also associated with the intentional and persistent nature of the concave profile.
Forehead Shape
You can learn many things about a person's thinking style if you know the face reading techniques related to the forehead. The following forehead tips will help you know more:
  • Straight Forehead: These are known as progressive thinkers and follow a progressive style of thinking. They cannot think of a third point, until they understand the second point. They are mostly misunderstood in childhood as dumb kids though, they turn out to be intelligent. It is the progressive style that slows down their thinking and they do not have a fast reflex response. They have difficulty when working under pressure and need time to think progressively. Thus many times they tend to loose their control in situations like the last few minutes before their exam ends or in case of deadlines.
  • Slopped Forehead: These people are fast thinkers and so quick they tend to complete your sentences before you finish. They are easily bored with people with straight forehead as they cannot slow down to match their speed. You can find basketball players and football players with slopped foreheads as they are quick and fast. They are also quick decision makers and thus tend to get caught in a lot many wrong decisions.
  • Curved Forehead: These are very creative people and do not like restrictions thrust on them. They love to use their imagination and hate to do maths and accounts. They are very good with arts and areas related to creativity and imagination. The curve of their head tends to occupy a large section of their brain, thus are very intelligent and you may find many geniuses in among them.
The eyes are said to be the windows of the soul and you can learn a lot with the help of face reading techniques of the eyes. If someone has prominent eyes you can conclude that they are bright and happy and you may consider the person as a kind hearted, friendly and approachable individual. Small, shifty eyes indicate a nervous temperament. Small eyes may also indicate a perfectionist and attentive person.

Eyes that are close set tend to show good concentration power. Uneven set eyes show the person has a different look out at things from different perspectives. Wide set eyes indicate a broad minded and tolerant person and have a little regard for figures of authority. Narrow set eyes indicate a narrow minded person.

The upward slanting eyes show an opportunistic person and someone who gets what he wants. People with deep set eyes are intense, progressive and observant. They are usually into creative and writing fields. You can even learn more about a person by the way he or she looks, whether a warm hearted person or cold and cruel nature or an amorous lover.

The face reading techniques in respect to the eye brows also reveal a lot about a person. If a person has weak or thin eye brows, he tends to be indecisive and has may lack slightly in self confidence. Bushy eyebrows indicate assertiveness and strong personality. Unibrow shows an intense persistent and these people tend to be jealous and possessive in nature. They are introverts and tend to think a lot.

The shape of the different types of noses are very important trait in face reading techniques. A person with high, straight, full and fleshy tip that has a gently flared but protected nostrils is thought to be the ideal nose shape. The fleshy tip is a symbol of warmth, cordiality and a deep sense of empathy. They have high standards set for themselves and are basically good mannered souls.

People with big or over sized nose tips indicate violent streaks and a larger nose tips shows that a is more prone to violent acts. An aquiline nosed person is a strong willed, independent and enterprising individual. An upturned nose indicates someone who loves to mix with people around him.

The face reading techniques for mouth shape also helps in learning more about a person. Small shaped mouth shows a tendency of being feminine and men with small mouth tend to be shy and not very manly in their ways. Large mouth shows a talkative person and the width indicates the generosity of character.

Thin top lips and full bottom lips indicate people who cannot reciprocate in a relationship. And full top lip and thin lower lip shows an over giving person. Caring and sensitive nature is indicated by full round lips and small lips mean a self centered personality. Lips that are curved upward indicate an optimistic person and downward curve shows a hard to please person.

In face reading techniques, a strong jawline is indicative of a very strong value system in a person. They are quick to judge and have high stamina as well as endurance power. These people tend to be stubborn. Weak jawline indicates weak personality and weak willed person. They are easily influenced by others and tend to live life according to terms set by others. People with a wider jawline than the ear line indicate a highly competitive person. They hate loosing and do not tolerate competition.

Wrinkles, something all women dread, is a useful face reading techniques. The crow's feet or wrinkles around the eyes indicate an open hearted person. They are also called as joy lines as these people tend to spread happiness wherever they go. Vertical frown lines between the eyes show a logical, hardworking and a very decisive individual. The purpose lines, that is, lines extending from the nose to the mouth are indicative of people that are walking on the right path of life.

These are just a few face reading techniques that will help you learn a bit more than you can see in a person. Face reading techniques is not an exact science. You need to learn and understand a lot before you can claim to be a face reading expert. Face reading is just like palm reading, you can never claim it to be exact and totally true, but you always tend to believe by giving it the benefit of doubt. Reading a face like an open book is not an easy task and you require a lot of talent to decipher the truth behind the mask. You can always find a kernel of truth with the help of the above free face reading techniques. Take it up as a hobby, you may never know when the face reading techniques help you out of a sticky situation.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Nose Psycology


Face Reading (personology) and Nose Shape

Big noses: If you think that your big nose makes you look bad or if you don't really like its shape then cheer up because according to face reading your big nose is giving out some great impressions!!
People with big noses hate receiving orders and like being their own bosses. They don't like doing small tasks and prefer making bigger contributions than others. That's why these people will hardly ever be your bar tenders or you receptionists. People with big noses like to move higher in ranks and may fight for them.
People with big noses get bored easily from systematic and repetitive work. If you are a manager then handing off donkey work to these people would be a great mistake.
Small noses: A person with a small nose does not have problems dealing with repetitive and systematic work. You are most likely to find secretaries and people who work in similar having small noses. Of course they may get bored of routine work but not as fast as a big nosed fellow will.
Eagle nose: The hooked nose or one that looks like the eagle's hook from the side view is one i am talking about. A person with a nose like this one has the same characteristics as that of a big-nosed person but with a bit of exaggeration. To get along with such a person make sure you respect him and make him feel important.
The helper's nose: If, from the side view, the nose is concave with a round tip, then this person has a helper's nose. He is called the helper because he has a natural tendency to help others. He may join charity groups for the satisfaction he feels upon doing these kinds of activities. The only draw back is that he is sometimes taken advantage of by his friends.
When nose tip is round : If the nose tip is round when observed from a front view then this person is nosy!! He likes to know about everything that is going on and he may try to get all information out of you If there's something that he knows little about. Don't make him feel like you are hiding something if you want to get along with him. What's pretty funny is that the word nosy here is related to the nose which shows that this word may have had a face reading origin.
Nose profile going up: When, viewed from the side, the horizontal line at the bottom of the nose can be pointing upwards. A person with this kind of nose trusts everything. He may even be the victim of scams or fall a prey to a television commercial that advertises a certain low quality product.
Take notice of the noses of small kids' and you will notice how most of them have exactly this type of nose. kids believe everything you tell them and this person thinks like them. The good point about the person with this nose type is that he's not skeptical at all.
Nose profile heading down: This type of nose is the same as the previous one but the difference is that the profile is going down instead of up so that the nose appears to be pointed downwards. This person is very skeptical and he barely believes anything new unless he gets all the proofs he asks for. When dealing with him, bear in mind that he will ask a big number of questions before he can believe you.
Nose profile is horizontal: when the same nose profile is horizontal then this person is neither a skeptic nor a person who believes in anything. This person has a balanced approach when hearing about something new.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

6 Ways to Kill Creativity


Want your organisation to perform poorly? Here are six ways to kill creativity in business, or anywhere.
Many organisations claim they want to foster creativity—and so they should—but unintentionally, through their working practices, creativity is killed stone dead.
That's what Teresa Amabile, now Director of the Harvard Business School, found when looking back over decades of her research in organisations (Amabile, 1998). As part of one research program she examined seven companies in three different industries, having team members report back daily on their work.
After two years she found marked differences in how organisations dealt with creativity. Whether or not they intended to, some of the organisations seemed to know the perfect ways to kill creativity, while others set up excellent environments for their employees to be creative.
Since so many organisations seem to be aiming to kill creativity, here are the six main methods:

1. Role mismatch

One of the easiest ways of killing creativity is by giving a job to the wrong person. It could be an assignment or the whole role. Employees need to feel their abilities are stretched, but that the assignment is within their grasp.
Within many organisation the usual system is to give the most urgent work to the person who appears most eligible (i.e. is most senior/most junior/has the least work/is the next cab off the rank etc.). Managers typically fail to really look at the requirements of the job/assignment and then at the skills of the employee. Mismatches are a recipe for an unsatisfactory and creativity-free result.

2. Restrict freedom

Yes, people need specific goals set for them, but they also need freedom in how to achieve these goals. If you want to kill creativity, then simply restrict employee's freedom in how they reach their goals. Two common methods are by changing the goals too frequently or by implicitly communicating to your staff that new methods are not welcome. Employees will soon get the message and stop trying.

3. Ration resources

Creativity requires time and money; to kill it off restrict both. You can do it by setting impossibly short deadlines or by restricting resources to a minimum.
Managers tend to be obsessed with physical spaces, thinking that it's bean bags, fussball tables or funky furniture that engenders creativity. Far more important, though, is mental space. People need enough time and resources to come up with good ideas. Put people under hideous time and resource pressure, though, and you'll soon squeeze out all their creativity.

4. Reduce group diversity

Groups in which people are very similar tend to get along well. They don't disagree, they don't cause any trouble and they are frequently low in creativity. If you want to make sure that creativity is kept to a minimum then reduce the diversity in groups.
In contrast when teams are made up of people with different skills, abilities and viewpoints, their different approaches tend to combine to produce creative solutions. They may take longer and they may argue more but diverse groups breed creativity—so avoid them.

5. No encouragement

It's easier to be critical than it is to be constructive. If you want to stifle creativity then meet new ideas with endless evaluation and criticism. Also, one of the problems with new ideas is that often they don't pan out. So to discourage further creativity, make sure you really punish people whose audacious ideas don't work.
Once people know they're going to be endlessly interrogated about their new ideas—and punished if they don't work out—they'll soon stop producing them.

6. No support

Infighting. Politicking. Gossip. All can easily kill creativity. If the organisation is turned against itself, it's unlikely to produce truly creative work. Try to avoid letting information flow freely and discourage collaboration, because both are likely to boost creativity.
Without support, attempts to be creative will quickly wither and die and employees will become demotivated and cynical.

Keep it subtle

Remember that all these methods for killing creativity are best done with subtlety. You should say you provide support, freedom, resources and so on, but only do it half-heartedly. This will give you the appearance of a creative organisation but you won't produce the truly creative solutions which mark out the best.
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